No matter what happens in life the family God provides you with will remain central to your life and existence in good times and in bad.
This picture (below) of Hugh & Marie was taken whilst visiting the North of England in 2007. Together they run a charity called Mission International to keep up to date on the news of Mission International click here.
David has just completed his Art degree at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee. He now is looking for a job and we hope that he finds something he will enjoy (and of course be able to provide us with the requirements of our old age in the way in which we have become accustomed).
Amy's pic (below) was taken at her 18th birthday party, she has now changed a little since then and we hope for good things for her in the future.
Stephen & Janet's pic (below) was taken whilst they were on holiday in Africa, now they are both teaching in schools nearby their home.
Mark's pic (below) was taken a few months before he died. It is the latest and best photo we have of him and of course he remains dear to our hearts and always in our memories.