Tuesday, 16 December 2008

No place like home....in the snow:

Snow comes to Dundee - early:

I have travelled to various parts of the world but there is nothing quite like stepping out of your door on a wintry morning into cold crisp snow. This was a very early fall but it was the second of the year so far. Global warming isn't warming us too much at the moment, and we hope it continues to get cold in the winters once again.

Our local church, St Peter's Free Church of Scotland in St Peter Street Dundee looks good most of the time but when the building is covered with a blanket of snow it seems to take on a fresh importance and beauty. http://www.stpeters-dundee.org.uk/

The bandstand on Magdalen Green is a bit of a landmark too, it is a specially nice place to walk in summer and winter, at any time for that matter.

The views around the whole country were wonderful during the snow fall, but there is nowhere like home.

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