Its a tough call to blog.... letting the whole world have a look inside of you by reading your thoughts and impressions of the world. As an old boy it seems like I have tried to get back into my jeans of 30 years ago. It's impossible, .... or is it? There seems to be all sorts of technical mumbo jumbo attacking my blog efforts to make them look just a little bit professional, well at least I think so, it's amazing really, maybe the designers of this techno stuff can have a look at my jeans as well? OK enough of the Dad stuff and lets get down to it......
I love my world most of the time, it's a great place to be. A friend once said "every day above the ground is a good day", and he was right, whats the point of hating it all the time? I love it...... I love it every day..... I enjoy the present..... I have enjoyed the past...... and I am looking forward to the future...... But there are moments when I feel so frustrated and challenged about how it all pans out. "Nothing new there then" I hear you bleat in your droves??? What can be done for this place we call home? It's a question that so many people have asked so many times. What is going on? How can such a beautiful planet stuffed full of so many fantastic critters - including us humans can have bad days. There's a problem that catches us all by surprise somehow. It's a problem that we don't know how to fix, not a bad hair day, even these can be fixed for most people. No it's even more common than that - its a bad day...period. Well I want to find a way of dealing with the bad days. I don't have too many days left and so for a start I think I might try to 'enjoy' more of what I have left. Of course to enjoy something we don't have to follow like sheep those who have swallowed the lie that it takes load-za-money to enjoy the days we have allotted to us. OK lets get a grip and see how the journey unfolds, will I be able to enjoy every day, or will I crash and burn tomorrow or the next day? I surely don't know... and there's another thing.... will I be honest enough to confess if the days are less than 100%. I hope I can although having to 'fess up might be a negative factor for one who doesn't like to lose face or be absolutely honest even with myself. Sheesh the confessions are coming early, is this a preview of things to come?
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