Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Pre Christmas nerves....

Are you ready - Turkey?

"Hey! it's nearly Christmas", these chilling few words meet us with terminal regularity from about September every year, and so you would think that by now it would be something that I would be used to. However, it seems that its nearly 'C' day and I am about as prepared as usual.

Multi-tasking takes precedence!

Since it seems that the words 'women' and 'multi-tasking' are synonymous then I think you will be able to catch to what I am saying? Our house is still in the disarray that we found it in last year at this time. My multi-tasking assistant tells me that I have some duties and chores to deal with before the ill-fated day arrives. My 'study', a small room measuring 7'6" x 7'6" (just over 2metres x 2 metres) has become the dumping ground for every 'tidy-up' that I have performed in recent times, and it has been discovered that the tendrils of my study have now reached the dining room table due in no small measure to the fact that a baby-sized toe could not find room in the proverbial 'Inn', namely my poor study. "You had better tidy up this dining room in time for Christmas dinner" were my orders....... This means that my collected items, sometimes called rubbish, will have to find another home. Much of it will be recycled and some will be sold on eBay and the rest will find its way into the bin. It's sad since 'rubbish is the stuff you throw out just before you need it' a wise man once said.

One final rant.
I have received so many best wishes from folks on the run up to 'C' day, I am being a bit cheeky but I get really annoyed when people use Xmas instead of Christmas. I suppose 'C' day is even worse when you think of it, although in my mind it has a slightly different meaning. Lets not take Christ out of Christmas any more, keep him in there since 'He is the reason for the season'.

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